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Select Program "Crash" FAQs  (Revised 9/6/2022)


What is the Select Program? 

The USA Softball of Sacramento Select program is designed to create a more competitive environment for players to participate in while still remaining in a recreational league setting. This program will allow USA Softball Recreational leagues to form a team to represent their league in the Select program. Each league will be eligible to put together a Select team at the beginning of the year to compete against the Select teams formed by other leagues. 


Is Select also known as “Comp”? 

While Select is definitely a more competitive environment for your above-average Rec players, it is not Comp in the “Travel/A ball” sense. Essentially, the Select program is a way for leagues to allow their first All-Star team an opportunity to form early in the year, then opening up another opportunity for a secondary All-Star team come May 1st if desired. 


Who is eligible to play on a Select team? 

Only players that live or go to school within the league’s boundaries are eligible for Select. Waivers from other leagues are generally not accepted, unless the home league is not offering a Rec team in the applicable division. 


What is the cost to participate in the Select program? 

$3800* per team for 8 tournaments (5 spring tournaments + 3 All Star tournaments). This averages to $475 per tournament – almost $200 cheaper than most travel ball tournaments. Uniform and league costs are not included in this fee. Participation in Nationals will require additional funds. Many teams will fundraise to help offset costs. 

*Increased over last year due to increase in umpire fees.


How long is the Select season? 

Specific Select tournaments (including Nationals) run through late July/early August. However, the intent is that the Select team stay together and play through Fall (picking up players as needed). Fall options would be NorCal Fall Ball or participating in A tournaments if allowed by the individual league. (Since eligibility ‘resets’ January 1, playing A ball in Fall does not jeopardize B eligibility in Spring the following year.)